How Can You Make Your Thanksgiving Meaningful?

By: Batchelor Brothers Funeral Services
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thanksgiving should be a time to count our blessings and practice gratitude. All too often, though, its true meaning gets overshadowed by pumpkin pie and football games. This year, why not embrace the true meaning of this classic American holiday by adopting some new traditions that focus on thankfulness. 

Here are seven easy ways you and your loved ones can make this Thanksgiving Day celebration its most meaningful.  

Invite someone for dinner who has nowhere to go. 

You’d be surprised by how many people are lonely at the holidays. Whether it's a friend, work colleague or the widow down the street, if you hear of someone who will be spending Thanksgiving alone, invite him or her to share this special meal with you. They’ll feel blessed to be a part of your family for the day. 

Set a place for a deceased loved one. 

If you’ve lost someone—whether recently or some time ago—the holidays can stir up a lot of emotions. Add a place setting and chair at your table to honor and remember those who have passed. At dinner, ask your guests to share their favorite memories or stories about these loved ones. And above all, be grateful for their presence in your life.  

Start a new family tradition. 

When your Thanksgiving feasting comes to an end, why not head outdoors to stretch your legs and walk off that stuffing and mashed potatoes? Hosting a game night is also an excellent way to keep you guests entertained after the meal. For many families, Thanksgiving offers a great time to begin decorating for Christmas together. Whether you decide to gather around to watch football or share why you’re thankful, come up with at least one new tradition you can start this year. 

Volunteer at a shelter or soup kitchen. 

Taking time out of your schedule to serve those in need is what Thanksgiving is all about. Gather your family and friends and help out at a soup kitchen, food bank, homeless shelter, or any organization serving food to those who are less fortunate. These organizations always appreciate extra helping hands, especially on Thanksgiving. 

Honor the departed by making their favorite dishes. 

Why not serve up some fond memories with your turkey? You’re likely to find joy, comfort and gratitude by including some favorite family recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation. Serve these tasty dishes in heirloom serving pieces if you have them. You could even make recipe cards to give your guests, along with a short story behind the meaning of the dish.  

Extend ‘doing good’ beyond Thanksgiving. 

Instead of the usual wine or flowers, ask your guests to bring clothing, canned goods or other non-perishable items that you can donate to a local shelter after the holiday. Blankets, coats, sweaters, socks and mittens are particularly in demand as the cold winter weather approaches.  

Strengthen your family ties. 

Thanksgiving often brings relatives together, sometimes from far off places. Choose to be intentional with this special time together. Bolster the strength of your relationships with these cherished family members. Ask questions to discover common ground and identify shared interests. Seek out the ample wisdom of your grandparents or other elders who have acquired a lifetime of successes and failures. 

Thanksgiving has a simple premise: gratitude. Don’t ignore it. A few small adjustments in your holiday gathering could help you enjoy your day more and experience a deeper sense of appreciation for the many blessings in your life. 

From everyone at Batchelor Brothers Funeral Services, we are thankful for the trust and confidence you place in us every day. May you be abundantly blessed this Thanksgiving. If we can be of service to you in any way, please contact us. 

About Batchelor Brothers Funeral Services: As a leading African American-owned and operated funeral and cremation organization serving three states, Batchelor Brothers Funeral Services has provided a ministry of care to thousands of grieving families. We promise to provide our highest level of distinguished service and respect to families who entrust us to honor their loved one. In all aspects of the funeral process, we strive to be the absolute best and are honored to help preserve our clients’ legacies for future generations. With three convenient locations serving both North and West Philadelphia, as well as Trenton and Drexel Hill, it is always our pleasure to be of service. Please visit our website for more information. 

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